What to do if the Financial is not competent to decide your dispute? 

Other ADR entities in the Czech Republic
Ombudsman for non-life insurance
Czech Telecommunication Office
Energy Regulatory Office
Czech Trade Inspection Authority
Czech Bar Association

Other institutions
Courts of law

Legal counsel
Civic associations (NGOs)
Financial market supervision 
Consumer protection supervision
Pension companies and pension funds supervision
Personal data protection
Criminal prosecutions

Other ADR entities

Ombudsman for non-life insurance

The Ombudsman's Office of the Czech Insurance Association (hereinafter referred as “the Ombudsman”) is charged to decide disputes between a consumer and an insurer or an insurance intermediary over a non-life insurance. Contact details: address Elišky Krásnohorské 135/7, 110 00 Josefov, Prague, Czech Republic, tel. +420) 602 273 096, email kancelar@ombudsmancap.cz. The aim of the proceedings before the Ombudsman is to conclude an agreement, if the agreement is not concluded, the proceeding will end without any binding judgement.

Czech Telecommunication Office 

The Czech Telecommunication Office is authorized to decide disputes between the telecommunication service users and telecommunication service providers. You may address it e.g. if you disagree with the bill issued by the telecommunication service provider. Contact details: address Sokolovská 219, Prague 9, P.O.Box 02, 225 02 Prague 025, Czech Republic, tel.: +420 224 004 111, e-mail: podatelna@ctu.cz.

Energy Regulatory Office

The Department of Legal Consumer Protection of the Energy Regulatory Office mainly deals with situations where consumers are not satisfied with the settlement of a complaint by the electricity or gas supplier. The task of the Department of Legal Consumer Protection is to independently defend consumer rights and ensure the provision of quality services. Contact: Energy Regulatory Office, Department of Legal Consumer Protection, Partyzánská 1/7, 170 00 Prague 7, phone: 255 715 585, e-mail: podatelna@eru.cz.

Czech Trade Inspection Authority

The Czech Trade Inspection Authority conducts proceedings initiated at the request of the consumer in all other cases, i.e. when neither the Financial Arbitrator nor the Czech Telecommunications Office nor the Energy Regulatory Office is competent. If the parties to the dispute do not agree within the time limit set by law or the petitioner does not withdraw from the proceedings, the proceedings shall end upon the expiration of the time limit in vain. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority therefore does not issue any binding decision on the matter. More information on out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes through the Czech Trade Inspection Authority can be obtained here: https://www.coi.cz/en/information-about-adr/ . Contact: Czech Trade Inspection Authority, Central Inspectorate - ADR Department, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Prague 2, email: adr@coi.cz.

Czech Bar Association

The Czech Bar Association is an entity authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes between a client and a lawyer arising from a contract for the provision of legal services. More information on out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes through the Czech Bar Association can be obtained here: https://www.cak.cz/scripts/detail.php?id=16376. Contact: Czech Bar Association, Národní tř. 16, 110 00 Prague 1, e-mail: epodatelna@cak.cz, Data box ID: n69admd.

Courts of law 

In general, anyone who finds himself/herself harmed as to his/her rights shall be entitled to file a lawsuit with the courts of the Czech Republic (website available in Czech only). In such case it is indispensable to take into account the costs of the court proceedings. Although, in principle, the costs of the proceedings shall be borne by the losing party the amount of the reimbursement of costs that can be adjudicated to the successful party is governed by legislation and it do not cover any fee for legal counsel if higher that the prescribed fees.

Legal counsel

In complicated disputes it is recommendable to hire a legal counsel. The Register of Attorneys maintained by the Czech Bar Association can be found here. In justified cases you may use the free of charge consultancy services of the Czech Bar Association (please verify the availability of this service in English with the Czech Bar Association).

Civic Associations (NGOs) 

You may also use services of one of the Civic Associations providing legal consultancy free of charge. Contact details of such Civic Associations are to be found on the internet, however please make sure that the entity you found does indeed provide its services free of charge.

You may find links to websites of several Civic Associations who cooperate with the consumers in the matters concerning financial market here.

Financial market supervision 

The Czech National Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the CNB”) is charged with the supervision over the financial market in the Czech Republic. The initiative to investigate activities of a specific supervised entity may be filed under Sec. 42 of the Administrative Procedure Code with the Department of Supervision of the Financial Market. The CNB is, however, not authorized to decide disputes between private individuals/entities or to provide a legally binding assessment of the existence of rights and duties following from a private legal relationship. Based on a filed initiative, the CNB is nevertheless authorized to make an investigation, or to commence administrative proceedings to impose sanctions on a supervised entity. The CNB shall, upon a request of the complainant, inform the complainant of the results of the investigation, including whether the administrative proceedings have been commenced, within 30 days of receiving the initiative. Contact details of the CNB : address Na Příkopě 28, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic, tel. +420 224 411 111, e-mail: info@cnb.cz.

Consumer protection 

The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is in charge with the control and supervision over the legal entities and individuals in relation to the purchase of good and provision of services. Contact details: address: Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague, Czech Republic, tel. +420 296 366 360, e-mail: info@coi.cz. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority may investigate whether the Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended, has been breached.

Pension companies and pension funds supervision 

The Ministry of Finance , Section 36 – Financial Market Supervision Department, is charged with the supervision over the pension companies funds in relation to providing and management of the government contribution to building savings. Contact details: address Letenská 15, 118 10 Prague 1, Czech Republic, tel. +420 257 04 11 11, e-mail: podatelna@mfcr.cz. As well as the CNB, the Ministry of Finance is not authorized to decide disputes between private individuals / entities.

Personal data protection 

The Office for Personal Data Protection (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) is charged with the supervision over the personal data collection and processing pursuant to Sec. 2 of the Act on Protection of Personal Data. Contact details: address Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic, tel. +420 234 665 555, e-mail: posta@uoou.cz. You may file an initiative with the Office to investigate whether some person collected and/or processed your personal data in compliance with the law. As well as the CNB, the Office is not authorized to decide disputes between private individuals/entities; nevertheless it is authorized to make an investigation whether the law has been breached in the specific case, or to impose a sanction.

Criminal prosecutions 

If there is a suspicion that a crime has been committed it is recommendable to address the Police of the Czech Republic. The Public Prosecutor’s Office may be addressed as well.


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