Basic principles governing the proceedings
Filing a complaint and proceedings before the Financial Arbitrator are governed by the Financial Arbitrator Act and the Administrative Procedure Code:
- the Financial Arbitrator shall decide disputes based upon his/her best knowledge and belief, impartially, fairly, and without undue delays; therefore the Financial Arbitrator shall not pursue one party´s interests;
- all filings of the parties, protocols, records, written decisions and other documents form a part of the case file that both parties (i.e. including the institution) are entitled to review;
- the proceedings are not subject to a fee.
Important notice
Before filing a complaint please make sure that:
a) the Financial Arbitrator is competent to decide your dispute (link to a new tab);
b) you have tried to settle the dispute with the institution and you have evidence proving that you have requested the remedy from it unsuccessfully;
c) you have an electronic or paper copy of the evidence you wish to present;
d) you know the identification data of the institution against which you wish to file a complaint (if not, you will find tips where to find it later in the Complaint Filing Tutorial).
To use the Tutorial you need Adobe Reader. You may download it at (link to a new tab).
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